NHS Carbon Footprint Recipes
The NHS carbon footprint encompasses sources of emissions where reporters are considered to have control. For example, a reporter may be able to choose how to purchase electricity and may be able to transition transport fleet to low-to-no emission vehicles. NHS organisations are required to reduce carbon emissions within this area to net zero by 2040.
Fossil fuels
Emissions associated with the combustion of any gaseous, liquid, and solid fossil fuels at owned sites and tenanted sites where the reporter holds billing responsibility to the energy supplier.
NHS Facilities
Coming soon!
Emissions associated with the consumption of cylinder and piped anaesthetic gasses including halothane, nitrous oxide, mixed nitrous oxide, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane.
NHS fleet and leased vehicles
Emissions associated with any travel completed by business-only vehicles owned or leased by the reporting organisation.
Emissions associated with the generation of electricity consumed at owned sites and tenanted sites where the reporter holds billing responsibility to the energy supplier.
Energy (well-to-tank)
Emissions associated with the supply of natural gas, the transmission and distribution of electricity, and the supply of fuel for use by NHS Fleet, business-use only leased vehicles and business travel vehicles.
Business travel
Emissions associated with any vehicles formally claiming mileage expenses and/or any travel completed where the reporting organisation has directly paid, or reimbursed the cost, including, but not limited to, travel by air, water, rail, bus and taxi.
Emissions associated with the transport, treatment and end-of-life disposal of materials at any sites where the reporter holds billing responsibility.
Emissions associated with the supply and treatment of water at owned sites and tenanted sites where the reporter holds billing responsibility to the water supplier.
Metred dose inhalers
Coming soon!
NHS Carbon Footprint Plus Recipes
The NHS carbon footprint plus encompasses sources of emissions where reporters are considered to have influence. For example, a reporter may be able to change supplier of logistics and may be able to put options in place for colleagues to reduce commuting emissions. NHS organisations are required to reduce carbon emissions within this area to net zero by 2045.
Medical devices
Emissions associated with the manufacture, operation and disposal of medical devices integral to the diagnosis, treatment, support and care of patients.
Freight transport
Emissions associated with transportation of freight by road, rail, ocean or air arranged by the reporting party.
Business services
Emissions associated with the provision of services which enable non-clinical business functions such as consultancy and operational support.
Emissions associated with the process of construction procured by the reporting party including the manufacture of building materials.
Emissions associated with the process of manufacturing procured by the reporting party.
Emissions associated with the manufacture and delivery of medicines prescribed and/or administered to patients as part of their care by the reporting party.
Food & catering
Emissions associated with the supply of food, drink and associated external commissioned catering services procured by the reporting party.
Commissioned health services outside of the NHS
Emissions associated with care, support or supervision that has been arranged for a patient by the reporting party including testing and diagnostic support.
missions associated with the provision of information and communication technologies for use by the reporting party.
Staff commuting
Coming soon!
Patient and visitor travel
Coming soon!